How often have you heard comments like this at an AGM or owners’ meeting?

“You never tell us what’s going on.”
“We’re always in the dark.”
“Why is the board so secretive?”

And once the comment is made, it sets the tone for the entire meeting, making it very difficult to have a productive meeting. It’s a common complaint that we hear frequently. Owners feel that they aren’t kept in the loop nor do they feel that they have adequate access to information.

Announcements. You can easily post quick announcements by either typing them directly into Condo Control Central or by attaching a prepared Word file.

Email Notifications.

All of these tools send email notifications to your owners, residents and board members so that they will be kept up to date even if they don’t log into the system. The link in the email is also secured in a way that your owners don’t even have to enter their password in order to view the new post. They simply click the link and the posted information is displayed

Events. Event notifications are used specifically for events. Recipients will receive an email invitation that they can “accept” into their email / calendar program so they will remember when your event is happening.

File Library. The file library is similar to announcements but for files that should be stored for future reference. For example, newsletters, budgets, reserve fund studies or your AGM package. Having all of these important documents available online means that your owners are empowered refer to them at any time without having to ask you for copies.

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