Managing Shared Condo Spaces, Facilities, and Amenities

Date Published : Oct-26-2018

Written By : Kim Brown

In a condo community, sharing is the source of a lot of frustration and challenges. Is someone hogging all the parking visitor parking, leaving messes in shared spaces, or using up the party room all the time? How do you prevent these problems from occurring?

  • Booking Approvals
  • Visitor Parking
  • Key Tracking
  • Reporting
  • Security

Booking Approvals

In some condominiums, it seems like no one is taking advantage of the amenities. The party room sits barren and the games room goes unplayed. But other times it seems like a handful of tenants are hogging all the shared spaces. When this happens, it’s time to manage booking approval.
First come, first serve is a booking policy that works most of the time. But what if the same person keeps getting there first? Condo amenities are paid for by all residents and it’s only fair that they are shared.
It’s not just the frequency of bookings that fall into fair sharing of amenities either. Some other aspects that can require tighter booking management include residents:

  • Not using booked rooms
  • Leaving messes
  • Consistent noise complaints with booked amenities

A good way to monitor for these issues is to track the use and bookings of condo amenities. With automated condo management software you can create easily searchable databases of information, so you can quickly pull up information on individual tenants by unit number or name. This allows you to read or attach notes to amenity bookings to uncover patterns of messes, complaints, and etc.
A useful tool for managers is mobile amenity booking. A mobile app makes it easy for residents to book rooms or cancel bookings. That makes it easier for more people to use amenities and helps reduce booked rooms going unused. It also makes it easy to manage and approve pending bookings.

Visitor Parking

One of the great challenges of property management is managing condo visitors. Visitors are part of the natural flow of condo life, so every manager needs a system in place to manage their comings and goings. That being said, handling visitor parking is one of the biggest headaches.
In most condos, visitor parking is scarce. While during slow during slow times of day the number of visitor spots can seem overkill. But when it gets busy, especially on weekend evenings, there never seems to be enough parking to go around.
This lack of parking usually occurs because of people sneaking in additional vehicles, hogging visitor parking, or a lack of parking enforcement.
Whatever the cause, it’s important for condos to establish precise rules and policies regarding guest parking. Such policies may outline:

  • When guest parking is allowed/When is it enforced
  • How many visitor parking permits per unit (often monthly limits)
  • How long parking permits last
  • How to/who will handle exceptions
  • What tools enforce visitor parking

Once you set up the regulations, you need to enforce it. This will help keep parking safe, fair, and under control. To make enforcement run smoothly and easily it’s best to use a visitor parking management tool.
These tools make it easier to track comings and goings of guests, as well as making it easier for residents to set up visitor parking. Residents can set up passes through the mobile app, so vehicle registration is faster and easier for everyone.

Key Tracking

One of the challenges of sharing space is sharing access. Condo keys, for one, are prone to getting lost. A lost key is inconvenient and, in some cases, a security risk. Key tracking is an important task for condo managers.
Tenants can easily lose or forget to return keys for amenities and shared spaces. Replacing these keys can be time-consuming and costly. Taking advantage of key tracking software makes it is easy to locate and recover lost keys.
Property managers can quickly look up who has what key. As well as who leant it to them, what identification was used to sign it out, and when it was signed out. Notes can be left, and keys can be created, deleted, and updated right from the system.


Reliable reporting is important for large, shared communities like condominiums. It establishes patterns and informs what regulations and policies are needed. It also improves the day-to-day flow of condo life.
One of the biggest challenges of reporting is storing and recovering documents. Over the years, documents pile up – even in smaller condo buildings. This leads to two problems:

  1. Space
  2. Sorting

Paper files take up a lot of space, and sorting through them is a slow, meticulous process. Especially if the filing system is inconsistent or difficult to navigate. Condo managers are going paperless to improve their efficiency.
Using paperless reporting makes reporting faster and sets a consist reporting style with templates. This way you know you store all the relevant information you need, including details, notes, pictures, and video.
Paperless reporting also improves retrieval time. You can find stored documents immediately with a digital search. Put an end to sorting endless files and documents.


The benefit of shared space and amenities is that you get a whole lot more while paying a whole lot less. One of the big tradeoffs is that increasing sharing can mean decreasing security. Part of the role of the condo manager is to minimize this tradeoff.
Well organized and intelligent management makes sharing possible and efficient without sacrificing security. Improving security relies on intuitive and reliable:

  • Communication
  • Tracking
  • Security Logs
  • Registration
  • Maintenance
  • Incident Reporting
  • Authorization
  • Training

It seems like a lot to take on, but having access to all your condo amenity tools on one platform makes managing and automating tasks a breeze. It also ensures that all your tools work together, minimizing challenges.

Improving Sharing With Condo Amenity Tools

The best way to get everyone, from staff to residents, follows the best practices for sharing condo space is to make it as easy as possible to do so. Intuitive, user-friendly condo amenity tools make the most beneficial way to shares condo facilities the most convenient way.
As a result, more people follow the proper procedure. So this makes for a better use of amenities and eases the tasks of condo managers and boards. Get demo and discover how Condo Control Central can improve your condo community today!

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